Tuneflow, login and rock out, get free MP3s

Every month, TuneFlow challenges artists around the world to write and record new, original songs based on one of four new titles they've chosen. Artists have one month to write, record and submit their entries.

You review and rate the entries. The songs with the best average ratings at the end of the month win. It's "battle of the bands" Internet style!

Click on the "rate tunes" button on Tuneflow and start rating this month's entries. For every three songs you review, you can earn one FREE download of any TuneFlow song of your choice!

ARTISTS: Top 5 Reasons To Join TuneFlow
• Get a FREE Website to promote your band and music!
• Sell your music on TuneFlow FREE (with no restrictive contracts)!
• Compete in the FREE TuneFlow Tournament each month and expose your music to hundreds of new fans, get FREE reviews, and receive major recognition!
• Get FREE global airplay for your music on TuneFlow Radio!
• Advertise your live gigs...FREE!

TF is offering "the best music you've never heard." If you're like most people, you probably only hear the music that the big record labels and the near-monopoly radio stations "force down our throats." But the fact is, there is so, so much more out there! Thanks to TuneFlow, you're going to discover a whole new world of great music from thousands of very talented musicians -- in a wide variety of music styles -- from around the world.
Tuneflow, login and rock out, get free MP3s Tuneflow, login and rock out, get free MP3s Reviewed by Azmie21 on 11:11 PM Rating: 5


  1. hello! good morning! happy sunday..be thankful for the new day! just hopping..hope to see u at mine!cv

  2. Be te we, Met kenal!
    Mau jadi orang paling keren nggak? Ato dapat hadiah pakaian baru buat lebaran? Ato mau belajar siaran? Baca di blog kami ya Tara FM


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