Repair and Preven error on your PC
MyRegistryCleaner is a system maintenance utility that scans the registry for irrelevant and bad entries across various sections of registry entries including components, DLLs, fonts, shortcuts, extensions, user software related entries etc. and cleans them. By getting rid of unwanted entries by MyRegistryCleaner helps in more memory availability and faster execution of applications.
Scan Now for free and repair registry errors with MyRegistryCleaner only with PCSecurityShield !!!
MyRegistryCleaner can be used for a quick scan or a smart scan. Quick scan is for important files and scans the most vulnerable areas of the registry with reference to the important files and identifies problems in those areas. Smart scan is for the drives and executed scan on the registry for changes since the last run and verifies those changes for bad entries. Smart scan will execute a complete scan when it is run the first time.
Since the nature of MyRegistryCleaner is editing the registry, this software provides a backup of the registry before the clean and recovery from the last backup if the clean results in destabilizing the system. Cleaning the system of invalid entries can be done manually or automatically depending on the expertise of the user in handling the registry. MyRegistryCleaner uses Registry defrag to index and optimize the entries for easy processing thereby improving the overall performance of the system.
MyRegistryCleaner possesses the qualities of a system maintenance program by allowing maintenance of critical system performance factors like ActiveX components, startup etc.
Scan Now for free and repair registry errors with MyRegistryCleaner only with PCSecurityShield !!!
PCSecurityShield is a 6 year old internet security company that licenses various technologies and provides consumers with products to insure safe web activities. PCSecurityShield partners with many top worldwide technology companies to bring internet protection to the average consumer while providing superior, free customer service. PCSecurityShield products include antivirus, anti-spyware, spam control, parental control, firewall and rootkit protection.
PCSecurityShield is a 6 year old internet security company that licenses various technologies and provides consumers with products to insure safe web activities. PCSecurityShield partners with many top worldwide technology companies to bring internet protection to the average consumer while providing superior, free customer service. PCSecurityShield products include antivirus, anti-spyware, spam control, parental control, firewall and rootkit protection.
Repair and Preven error on your PC
Reviewed by Azmie21
1:44 AM
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